
Welcome to The Cinema Taster!

Sometimes they called them "cupbearers" or tasters. Have you ever seen one of those medieval movies where someone has to taste the King's food to be sure he isn't being poisoned? Well, I realized that I was serving as cupbearer for my family when it came to entertainment. I'm drawn to lots of weird things, but most especially film. I'll find a weird movie that I'm excited about and say "Who wants to watch this with me?" The answer is most always, "Why don't you watch it and then tell us if it's right for us." With ALL of this experience of watching (and clearing!) movies for others, I just figured why not offer my services to you! After all, I was bitten by that weird film flea when I was getting my Masters in Film (#WeirdBackStory) and it granted me all of these immunities. I can watch gross, boring, experimental and super weird cinema and survive all of it! It's my super power.  In my other movie blog, The Oscar Glutton ,
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